Restaurants & Locations

table for two, Slow Food Restaurant Erasmus, Karlsruhe, 2017
- appealing outside, Rötteles Restaurant & Residenz at Schloss Neuweier and VDP Weingut Robert Schätzle, Schloss Neuweier, Baden-Baden (Neuweier), 2012
- appealing inside, Slow Food Restaurant Erasmus, Karlsruhe 2017
- appealing terrace, Restaurant & Hotel Schwarzwaldstube Traube Tonbach, Baiersbronn, 2012
- fine dining, Julia Simon, Rheingold Weine – Glück in Flüssig, Frankfurt am Main, 2017
- preparing meat – sous vide lamb fillet roasted for a few seconds, Karlsruhe, 2016
- preparing meat – sous vide lamb fillet roasted for a few seconds, Karlsruhe, 2016
- preparing veggies, Slow Food Restaurant Erasmus, Karlsruhe 2017
- preparing dessert, Patisserie Walter, Vinocamp Franken, Randersacker, 2016
- preparing dinner, Slow Food Convivium Karlsruhe, 2017
- sometimes reading the wine list is an enjoyment in its on right, Alexander Holzmüller, sommelier at Restaurant Brick & Bone
- preparing dessert, Slow Food Convivium Karlsruhe, 2017
- service at its best, Slow Food Restaurant Erasmus, Karlsruhe, 2017
- nice restaurant – excellent chef, Marie-Claude Huygenvelde, Restaurant Le Lenigo, Le Croisic, 2016
- good wine – good food – good atmosphere – happy guests, Landau in der Pfalz, 2015